2024 BullShooter Europe

NADO gave away several trips to the 2024 BullShooter European Championship, held in Salou, Spain, April 25 - April 28, 2024. Winners included Brad Wilson, Eric Wilson, Austin Hines, Jake Brower, Rich King, and Sean Harman.
While our Team USA didn't place in the International Teams Challenge this year, some of our players won 2nd Place in the Team Cricket Amateur A event - Brad Wilson, Jake Brower, Austin Hines, and Eric Wilson. Congratulations to all!
Players who attended were: Heather Brower, Jake Brower, Tammy Hanssen, Sean Harman, Austin Hines, Karen King, Rich King, Deb Porter, Jerry Porter, Ann Powell, Brad Wilson, Eric Wilson, and Paula Wilson.

Team USA

Front: Deb Porter (Pioneer Vending), Tammy Hanssen (J & J Amusements).
Back: Coach Sam Westgate, Rich King (J & J Amusements), Jake Brower (Pioneer Vending), Brad Wilson (Pioneer Vending), Jerry Porter (Pioneer Vending), Coach Shawn Smith.

Team Pioneer - 2nd Place Team Cricket Amateur A

Brad Wilson, Jake Brower, Austin Hines, Eric Wilson (all from Pioneer Vending)